Oscillatory Training
I’ve recently written an article titled “The Strength Umbrella” outlining my thoughts on defining strength for various populations. This umbrella may look very different for young athletes with minimal training ages chasing foundational performance factors. A healthy dose of progressive overload, and linear periodization may work wonders.
In contrast, defining strength for advanced trainees may be quite different for team sport athletes. Rate of force development (both eccentric and concentric), muscle coordination, and rhythm (ability for agonist to contract while the antagonist relax) are various forms of “strength” and may be wiser to chase (in my opinion) than absolute strength. One of the methods we’ve employed is oscillatory training. This method is nothing new as it was first introduced in Super Training many, many years ago. Friend and colleague Cal Dietz has been using if for years. Here is a run-down of why, and where it’s placed in the training micro-cycle.
Adaptational Goal: Improve RFD (both eccentric and concentric), reduce co-contraction and improve rhythm under load
Load: Approx 30-60% 1RM (may use higher loads if chasing different goal)
Volume: Oscillations may be programmed for time (< :10), or reps (5-8)
Where: “Go Day” - to compliment speed training and SSC plyos